hostgator是一家非常棒的国外虚拟主机商。但是怕了中国人了现在,中国人如果想购买该虚拟主机,只能通过银行电汇或者西联汇款,无法使用paypal和credit card。原因要追溯到2007年。
FairPlease wait for a HostGator operator to respond.

Welcome to HostGator Live Chat! You are now chatting with ‘Nicole Z.’

Nicole Z.: Welcome to HostGator Live Chat, how may I assist you?

Shan Yang: if I finished the payment with west union,Can I pay for nextyear with paypal or credit card

Nicole Z.: Please wait while I check. Thank you for your patience.

Nicole Z.: No sorry, you can only use the same method of payment

Nicole Z.: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Shan Yang: why other people can use paypal and credit card

Nicole Z.: It depends on the account due to any security issues and reasons

Nicole Z.: My apologies

Nicole Z.: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Shan Yang: what security issues and reasons?

Nicole Z.: One moment please. I apologize for any delay.

Nicole Z.: A small percentage of’s orders are marked as fraud. Every now and then, we mark someone who is actually legitimate as fraud for one of many reasons. Here are a few possibilities:

Nicole Z.:

Nicole Z.: 1. Your IP may have been too far of a distance from the listed address upon order.

Nicole Z.: 2. The phone number we called to confirm may have been incorrect or was unanswered.

Nicole Z.:

Nicole Z.:

Nicole Z.: We apologize for any inconveniences. Don’t worry, if you’re who you say you are, your account will be setup.

Nicole Z.: For some of the reasons above.

Shan Yang: I am not agree

Shan Yang: you can call me +86 13151628836

Nicole Z.: My apologies you feel that way

Nicole Z.: No my apologies I can not call you

Shan Yang: I registered by this phone number,If I call you right now with this NO,is it mean that I am I,the person who registerd

Nicole Z.: Pardon? My apologies can you rephrase the question?

Shan Yang: Sorry,My English is bad.

Nicole Z.: No worries

Shan Yang: I mean,yestoday,I bought a baby plan,the primary domain is,and the info about tel is +8613151628836,if I call you right now,you can see my phone NO. can you can ask me about my account’s info that I registerd,I can prove I am a real person

Nicole Z.: Aw yes that is fine, but you will have to call and go to extension 1010, and speak to a verification rep

Shan Yang: Is it easy?you can see that my english is very bad

Nicole Z.: Yes it is. Once you call us, input that extension. We have 24/7 sales and support available.

Nicole Z.: 1-866-96-GATOR (1-866-964-2867)

Nicole Z.: 1-713-574-5287

Shan Yang: I will call this number. 1-713-574-5287,what information should I prepared

Nicole Z.: The ticket ID and your person information

Shan Yang: fine

Nicole Z.: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Shan Yang: can I call this number at any time

Nicole Z.: Yes you can

Shan Yang: If they confirm me ,then I can use paypal or credit card to pay,is that true

Nicole Z.: No you would still have to pay the same method you are using now

Shan Yang: why

Nicole Z.: For the security reasons listed above that we went over.

Shan Yang: Nicole Z.: 1. Your IP may have been too far of a distance from the listed address upon order. Nicole Z.: 2. The phone number we called to confirm may have been incorrect or was unanswered.

Shan Yang: ?

Nicole Z.: correct

Shan Yang: so if I call you,the reason 2 is disappear,do you agree

Nicole Z.: No those are for when people first signup as those are for the new customers

Shan Yang: ok,I ask you with another way

Nicole Z.: I understand what you are asking, but no it will not apply to you

Shan Yang: why

Shan Yang: because I am Chinese?

Nicole Z.: Not because of your ethnicity but because of your location

Shan Yang: you mean that all the Chinese can not pay with paypal or credit card?

Nicole Z.: From that location, yes

Shan Yang: tell me why

Nicole Z.: For the reasons, above listed previously. For security reasons.

Shan Yang: It’s not fair

Nicole Z.: My apologies you feel that way

Nicole Z.: Is there anything else I can help you with?

Shan Yang: No

Shan Yang: Thank hyou

Shan Yang: Thank you

Nicole Z.: You’re welcome!

Nicole Z.: I am sorry

Nicole Z.: Thank you for using HostGator Live Chat! If you could take a minute to rate your experience with HostGator as well as my overall performance, that would help us to improve our customer service. To do that, just click the button that says “close” in the upper right hand corner. The survey takes less than a minute to fill out.

Shan Yang: at last

Nicole Z.: pardon?

Shan Yang: I want to tell you that not all the Chinese are what you think about

Shan Yang: Do you understand what I mean

Nicole Z.: I understand, but I do not set the rules, but yes I do understand what you mean

Nicole Z.: and I am very sorry for the inconveniences

Shan Yang: =]

Shan Yang: thank you again

Nicole Z.: =]

Nicole Z.: You’re welcome!